Author Section

Paper submission

The deadline for submission of papers and submission of abstracts is January 26, 2024.

The abstract should be submitted in Serbian and English in the following format:

  • state the title of the paper and a summary of up to 300 words, without commercial (advertising) elements, along with the specified keywords
  • the summary must not contain special characters, formulas, tables and images or photographs

The authors of the papers (contact persons) will be informed about the acceptance of the topic of the papers no later than February 23, 2024, when they will also receive instructions for writing the paper.

The final version of the papers must be submitted in the Serbian language, but may also be in English. The complete text of the paper must be submitted by April 5, 2024.

The contact person will receive notification of acceptance of the final work no later than July 5, 2024.

The deadline for payment of the registration fee for authors is August 16, 2024. Payment of the registration fee by the specified date is a mandatory prerequisite for including the work in the counseling program, collection of abstracts and collection of works. Papers that are not included in the conference program cannot be presented at the conference.

Abstracts and papers are submitted exclusively through the web application:

On the website given above, authors register and open their account, through which they register both the abstract and the co-author of the paper.

NOTE: If you have changed your e-mail address in the meantime, and you previously had an account on the web application, after logging in with your old e-mail address, click on your first and last name in the upper right corner, then click on [Change data] you can change your e-mail address, as well as other personal data.

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